Sakura Trees in France |

At the end of episode 1, you will notice that there are Sakura Trees along the road, which are very japanese in appearance. It seems that the creators forgot the setting of this series is France and not Japan @_@
Oscar's Bedroom |

In Picture 1, You will see a fireplace on the right side of Oscar's bed.
While on Picture 2, there's a dresser with a large mirror above instead of the fireplace.
And in Picture 3, there's a large window next to the bed, which is not found in the other pictures.
It seems that Oscar has 3 different bedrooms.
Treasures under the Oak Tree |

Before the duel with Duke de Gu�m�n�, Oscar mentions to Andre something about the treasures they buried when they were young...
"Andr�, if I die, keep the treasures under the oak tree: A lead top, a red knife.. and a stuffed bear."
...But stuffed bears are not available until 1894, this toy was first produced by a german company Gebr�der Sussenguth. And in fact, teddy bears did not make its entrance until late in 1902. This means, stuffed bears didn't exist in the 17th Century
Wikipedia - Teddy Bear
History of Teddy Bear